Nemesis: Orphan X #10
Gregg Hurwitz
Minotaur, 2025 (2025)
Hardcover, e-Book
Reviewed by Hilary Williamson
is the tenth (following
Lone Wolf
) in Gregg Hurwitz's outstanding and unusual thriller series featuring Evan Smoak. Chosen as a child for a U.S. black assassin training program, Evan eventually reinvented himself as the legendary
Nowhere Man
. Since then, he has helped people in desperate need.
hough he has always worked alone, over time Evan has built connections - with teen world-class hacker Joey whom he helped escape the program; with ex-Orphan V Candy; with Mexican cartel head Aragon Urrea; and with nine-fingered armorer Tommy Stojack, his oldest friend. The novel opens on their first meeting and quickly moves on fifteen years to the present day, when they come into conflict.
van has learned that Tommy armed a female assassin, the Wolf, who killed relentlessly in
Lone Wolf
, and almost took Evan down. He considers it a betrayal of their friendship and what he had believed their shared code. He decides to talk to Tommy. Meanwhile, the armorer has been called upon to keep a promise to help a dead friend's son, Delmont Hickenlooper, Junior, in Calvary.
everal violent plot threads are intertwined and come to an explosive crescendo in Calvary involving - a white supremacist militia group that slaughtered a Mexican family; a dirty cop; a team of vicious killers hired by human traffickers; Tommy - and Evan. It's a bloodbath, but finally it's all over.
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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