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The Girl in Question    by Tess Sharpe order for
Girl in Question
by Tess Sharpe
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Little, Brown & Co., 2024 (2024)
Hardcover, e-Book
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

The Girl in Question follows The Girls I've Been as a second in Tess Sharpe's edgy and fast paced YA series starring tough young Nora O'Malley. Daughter of a con-artist, she was raised to partner her mom's schemes. Though I missed the first book, this action-packed, angst-filled sequel pulled me in quickly.

Now, Nora has changed her name and appearance and lives with her older sister Lee. She snitched on her stepfather Raymond to the FBI , but kept a thumb drive of his blackmail files in reserve. Iris is her girlfriend and Wes a close friend. The three have quite a history together. She also has a dog, Turbo. Unfortunately Raymond is out of jail and out for vengeance - and the thumb drive.

It begins on a cliffhanger - Iris tied up in a cabin, brought there by FBI Agent Marjorie North. When she turns the tables, Iris demands what North has done with Nora. The story then moves back and forth in time to show what led up to this. Nora, Iris, Wes and Turbo had set out on a ten day backpacking trip. Wes asked to bring his girlfriend Amanda and Nora reluctantly agreed.

Turns out psychotic Raymond is holding six-year-old Emma, and she has asthma but no inhaler. There are captures and betrayals, rescues and reconciliations, separations and reunions - and nonstop action. It takes all the teens' skills and talents to get out of this one!

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