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The Last Verse    by Caroline Frost order for
Last Verse
by Caroline Frost
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William Morrow, 2024 (2024)
Hardcover, e-Book
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Caroline Frost's The Last Verse is a historical mystery set mainly in Nashville, Tennessee. Its lead is Twyla Finch. Readers are introduced to her at age sixty, worn down by time, by hard living, and by the memory that came to define her. Still, her singing makes 'you want to stop what you are doing, stop time, and call someone you love before all of it goes away.'

Back decades, we see nineteen-year-old Twyla Finch, an aspiring musician who makes her way from Texas to Memphis, to pay her respects, on hearing of Elvis's death. She gets a ride to Nashville, where she falls hard for Chet Wilton, who plays country music and comes from a wealthy banking family. He tells her she's 'gonna blow the lid off of Nashville', but he also uses her and betrays her. Tragedy ensues.

Twyla's devastated by guilt that leads to a new song, beginning 'I should have faced the music ...' She sings it in an empty bar. Weeks later, it's sung on the radio and her stolen song is a huge hit. She does eventually win it back but at a high cost. Still, it's one she's willing to pay for her music. Her father once told her that 'Every song is a soul that wants to be born' and Twyla keeps on 'writing to save her soul.'

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