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One Wrong Word    by Hank Phillippi Ryan order for
One Wrong Word
by Hank Phillippi Ryan
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Forge, 2024 (2024)
Hardcover, e-Book
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Hank Phillippi Ryan is well known for her Charlotte McNally series as well as many standalone twisty, absorbing puzzlers like Trust Me. Her latest, One Wrong Word, stars crisis management expert Arden Ward, who works for Vision Group.

The novel opens in a courtroom where Boston real estate mogul Ned Bannister is acquitted for a drunk driving accident that resulted in a death. Though he's not heading for jail, his reputation is in tatters, affecting his wife Cordelia and their two children as well. While this happens, Arden's boss tells her their latest client's wife has falesly accused her of a relationship with her husband and demands that he let Arden go. He gives her two weeks notice, but offers to find her one last client.

That client turns out to be Cordelia Bannister, and Arden has little choice but to take the job. Cordelia hints that her husband might have known the victim. Arden gets details of the killing from ADA Monelle Churchwood, who was lead counsel for the prosecution. She also consults Ned Bannister's defense lawyer Nyomi Chang. Then Nyomi is knocked down in a hit-and-run, on her way to see Bannister, and left in critical condition.

Police suspicion turns immediately to Bannister. In the middle of it all, Arden becomes convinced that the first supposed accident was murder and that she herself was set up from the very start. It's a challenging case but ends well for Arden with new allies and new opportunities.

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